Dear ALL JourneySongs Chorusters,
Oh my goodness!! Your voices harmonized so beautifully and added enormously to the meaningfulness of the Hospice Memorial Service Sunday afternoon. On behalf of myself, our Hospice Team and the many family members present, Thank You each and every one for your significant role in our Remembrance Service.
I hope you will accept my gratitude, thanks, blessings and love for your wonderful ministry of music which you so beautifully share.
With love,

Dear Joan, Sarah, Rocky, Bill, Karen, and Reva,
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the extraordinary gift of last night. We feel blessed to have been able to celebrate my Mom’s 98th birthday, and you made it a celebration that we will forever remember. Thank you for the beauty of your singing and the magic of your presence and for the joy that you gave to my Mom – and to us. My Mom continues to surprise us with moments of responsiveness and her great capacity for joy, and last night was an incredible testimonial to her enduring spirit.
The name that you have chosen for your group, “JourneySongs”, perfectly captures the essence and beauty of what you do. May you each be blessed for the joy and beauty that you have brought to us and that you bring to others.
With warm regards and deep appreciation,
Felice and Louis
The gratitude is ours, many times over. I cannot tell you how meaningful it was to have the singers enter peacefully into our home and then fill it with beautiful, calming music. At a time when my mother is unable to visit with even her closest friends, the choir brought just the right energy and comfort. The fact that it came together at the last minute makes this all the more remarkable.
Thank you, and please thank the singers for us as well.
Jesse W.
Dear Cindy,
Please pass on our sincere thanks to JourneySongs for their visit to us this afternoon. It was so incredibly moving, heartening, so very meaningful to my sister Peggy and to all of us. I think that everyone could see from Peggy’s response, and from her words, how important it was to her to have your choir here. A really wonderful gift. Words aren’t enough – but thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Ruth N.